Light Grey Pointer


welcome to my hubby place!

this is my main space on durango.

as you can see, it is still in it's early works, there's many stuff i have yet to place in here. but as of now, it's perfect for me to put some music thoughts and rants! isn't it?

first things to be said, i am not, in any ways, an expert in music theory. far from it. but i say some terms referring it here and there just because. it's fun. if i'm wrong and you know correct me! i love learning new things :DD

don't be afraid to talk to me/disscuss wth me about the stuff i put in here! it's all it is about, actually. putting funny thoughts into reality and sharing it with everyone that bothers to read it!

super duper cool dj sets on the hor berlin youtube channel that i Like

these are just some sets that make me happy or eletrified on needed days, and i wanted to put them here for show bc some ppl might not know some of them! (kinda difficult but..)

DJ Storm | HÖR London Takeover - Apr 27 / 2023: this one might be by far my most favorite of all, and truly the most iconic from the channel too. but i could be wrong

DJ Storm is a iconic legend from the 90's on the eletronic drum and bass scene. alongside DJ Kemistry they were an amazing duo of their time, the two of them even got a album together called 'DJ Kicks: Kemistry & Storm (i might talk about this one later on heh). unfortunally Kemistry died on 1999 in a car crash.

this set is like my favorite thing everrr!! it's so fun and catchy and nerdy and groovy and did i already said fun? it's just great overall, a full brainStorm (!) for your ears. it starts great, singular and maybe, kinda, slow-mo/not that jumpy and then- Booom! just adrenaline all round.

this is be the most i'll be talking on here, i think their history deserve something more long and full-on searched.

Risa Taniguchi | HÖR - Mar 31 / 2023: from now on you'll notice that i'm a noob at the eletronic scene stuff and it's artists. but this set is just so cool i couldn't not put it here.

Risa Taniguchi seems to have mastered what she does and I Do Not Have A Clue What It Is. but it's good! and interesting! good to think and relax, even. i like it every much because when you are in a moment of doing something else, it does not distract me much, just takes me to her world and the whole vibe she seems to have created around her sound. (and thinking of it now,,, i should listen to her original tracks.. yeah, i should)

while it's just a set of songs she -i suppose- likes, it's very well intecalated into each other and you don't get overwhelmed with it's sounds and textures (because there are! and a lot of them!). just get in mind that it is kinda experimental, or a lot idk. some ppl like and some don't, it's all okay!

The Brvtalist - Mercury 200 / February 26 / 3pm-4pm: this is actually what introduced me to my HOR craze of today and it couldn't be more eletric and cunt than this like.

techno made me happy the year this dropped. like literally. it just gave me the fun i needed in the months of pain in the pandemic.

these two guys have an amazing energy together and their sets are very cool, i like to see every one in a while if they have some new one somewhere bc they are that interesting to me. they got some songs from themselves in streaming services that are very much the vibe too, i like it very much thank u.

BRAVA | HÖR - May 17 / 2023:i do not know anything abou this sweet girl but she is my lord and saviour since like, yesterday, lord bless her.

her vibe is IMMACULATE, the video is IMMACULATE, the song selection is IMMACULATE, EVERYTHING IS IMMACULATE.

serving hapiness, fashion, charisma, and most importantly latino realness she gave the best set as of recently for them. it's very good for dancing alone and idk just putting it at your party with some friends and not-so-friends,,, life is good when good art is made, and this is art.

hope that you liked my little selection of video sets and found one that catched your ears enough to put it in your playlist!

i have a another blog that is all about music!

it's called the Warehouse of Underdone Reviews and it's a two person work: me and a good friend of mine :D we are kinda inactive as of now but it has some fun/funny stuff in there if you got interested!

my most recent post in there is about the EP 'Masterpiece', from the famous japanese trio of the girlgroup TWICE, MISAMO! be sure to check it out !


my favorite artists rn:

twice, yukika, beyonce, carly rae jepsen, charli xcx, penguin cafe orchestra, erika de casier, fiona apple, namie amuro, xiu xiu, aphex twin, hyukoh

genres i listen to the most:

everything pop-esque

brazillian funk

trance, dnb and trip-hop


alternative rnb

song i'm digging rn (。•̀ᴗ-)✧